A wide variety of savings options to fit your financial needs.
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A wide variety of savings options to fit your financial needs.
Each account at Towpath CU is insured for up to $250,000.00 by American Share Insurance.
American Share’s equity ratio is greater than that reported by both federal deposit insurance funds.
No credit union Member has ever lost money in any American Share-insured credit union account.
Grow your balance with flexible savings account options
Liquid Savings Options + Term Certificates
Use our dividend calculator to plan your savings goals
As a Member of TowpathCU, you are part of a not-for-profit financial institution that exists to serve and benefit you and the communities we serve.
Depositing your funds at TowpathCU keeps your money local and helps drive the local economy.
Your deposit of $5.00 or more into a Towpath Credit Union Share Savings account not only establishes your Membership but also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of additional Towpath Credit Union financial services. This $5.00 deposit will remain in your Membership Savings account as long as your Membership remains open.
Open additional savings accounts for any dream or savings goal you may have. Special share savings accounts are perfect for setting aside a little bit each month if you're trying to save for vacation or just want an emergency fund; a savings account makes it easy.
A savings account built just for that special time of year. Don’t be caught out in the cold when the post-holiday bills arrive. Contribute automatically throughout the year or as you can. The balance of the Holiday Savings account is then disbursed to you in early October automatically, just in time for Holiday shopping. Avoid holiday debt and regret by utilizing a Holiday Savings account.
Share Certificates are fixed-rate term accounts that require one initial deposit that stays in the account until it reaches maturity (Funds may be redeemed early but with a penalty). These accounts will often offer the highest dividend rates.
A money market savings account is a high-yield savings account. They often feature more options for withdrawals than a typical savings account, such as check-writing privileges. The funds in the account are liquid and so may be withdrawn, or more funds may be added into the account at any time.
Towpath CU’s Everyday Money Market Savings account requires no opening deposit, no minimum balance, check-writing privileges, and tiered dividend rates, which depend on the account balance.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are long-term savings accounts that allow Members with earned income to save and take advantage of tax advantages* designed to help you save for retirement. Towpath CU offers both IRA Savings accounts as well as IRA Share Certificates.
Traditional IRA:
Earnings are tax-deferred (no taxes until withdrawn)*
Contributions may be tax deductible*
Roth IRA:
Earnings are pre-taxed, and withdrawals are tax-free if the account is open for five tax years and withdrawals are for a qualified reason (age 59 ½, disability, death, or first-time home purchase*).
Contributions are not tax deductible*.
You can withdraw regulation contributions at any time, tax-free and penalty-free*.
*Not intended as tax advice. Please consult a tax professional.
Total Balance
Compound Frequency
Total Balance
Monthly Payments
Loan Amount
Monthly Payments
Date | Principal | Interest | Total Interest | Balance |
Original monthly payment
Original Remaining Cost
New monthly payment
New Mortgage Cost
Refinancing will save you per month and save you in total cost.