For a Brighter Tomorrow
A wide variety of savings options to fit your financial needs.
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For a Brighter Tomorrow
A wide variety of savings options to fit your financial needs.
Credit Score Monitoring
Card Controls
Push Notifications & Alerts
External Account Linking
Four Towpath CU Branches in Summit County
Thousands of additional Branches via CO-OP Shared Branching
Over 50 fee-free ATMs in Summit County, with over 30,000 nationwide ATMs
Receive your direct deposit up to two days early as a TowpathCU Member*.
A no-hassle checking account powered by the convenience of digital banking and the CO-OP Shared Branch and ATM networks, the Everyday Checking account features:
No Opening Deposit Required
No Monthly Service Fee
No Minimum Balance Requirement
Mastercard Debit Card
Online Banking, Mobile App, and Remote Deposit
An account designed to give back to loyal Towpath CU Members, the Relationship Checking account features:
No Opening Deposit Required
No Minimum Balance Requirement
Mastercard Debit Card
Online Banking, Mobile App, and Remote Deposit
First Order of Checks (48) Free
All Check Orders 50% Discount
Free Official Checks and Money Orders
First Overdraft or Non-Sufficient Funds Fee Automatically Refunded Once Per Year
$10 Monthly Fee, waivable by meeting any two of the following requirements:
An open loan or credit card account with Towpath Credit Union
Direct Deposit into one of your share (deposit) accounts with Towpath Credit Union
$5,000 total in all of your share (deposit) accounts with Towpath Credit Union
Teens looking to start their financial journeys can take advantage of our Teen Membership with the help of a qualifying adult. The Teen Members (with co-signer approval) have the option to add an Everyday Checking account to the Membership.
*Early access to direct deposit funds depends on the timing of the payer’s submission of deposits. Towpath Credit Union will generally post such deposits on the day they are received which may be up to two days earlier than the payer’s scheduled payment date. Towpath Credit Union cannot guarantee early deposits in all cases.
Total Balance
Compound Frequency
Total Balance
Monthly Payments
Loan Amount
Monthly Payments
Date | Principal | Interest | Total Interest | Balance |
Original monthly payment
Original Remaining Cost
New monthly payment
New Mortgage Cost
Refinancing will save you per month and save you in total cost.